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Scraplift This

Ever see a design you love so much you just want to scraplift the entire page? Our Creative Team members make projects bursting with inspiration month after month. In the Scraplift This blog post, we'll highlight some of these scraplift-worthy pages and provide tips and tricks for applying their techniques to your next project! 

This month's Scraplift This page comes from our guest designer, Mel Blackburn. Her Stay Cool spread features multiple photos and a stacked design. 

Here's what Mel has to say about her project:

The new TN Kit is so much fun! The pre-designed pages really simplify the process all the while offering a wide array of designs and themes! Loved using the stamp from the TN Kit to highlight the topic of my TN spread. I had a lot of pictures to use for this outing; I, therefore, opted for a larger picture as the focal point and three 2" x 2" pictures to recap the activities of the day!

Tips for scraplifting this design:

  • Creating in a Traveler's Notebook doesn't mean you have to use fewer photos. Adjust the sizes of your photos and include more moments to capture your memory!
  • Stack your stamping, photos, journaling, and embellishments for a clean and simple design. 
  • Add clear stickers directly to your photos for a fun effect. 
  • Add texture and dimension to your TN spreads—without much bulk—by adhering with the Tiny Attacher. 

Now it's your turn! Use this project as the inspiration for your next page and don't forget to share what you create. Link your Scraplift This project in the comments below. We can't wait to see what you'll make! 

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Great Escape Traveler's Notebook Kit
Great Escape Traveler's Notebook Kit is Sold Out
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Originally $35.99, on sale for $25.19
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  1. TerrieAllison says…

    love this page and can't wait to scrap lift it.

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  2. penny says…

    I turned it sideways and made a 12x12 page:

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  3. lisafisa says…
    0 Reply 0 Replies
  4. JaneD says…

    I have kept it really simple only using stamps and a little washi tape

    Thanks for the challenge!

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