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Product Spotlight | Washi Strips

The washi strips in the "Northern Lights" Planner Kit are a must-have for your next planner spread! With a mix of great patterns and motivational phrases, these versatile strips of washi are sure to keep you organized and inspired this December. Check out all the ways the Creative Team members are using the washi strips from December's Kit in their projects this month.

On her Northern Lights Weekly Spread, guest-designer Haley Pettit used her washi strips to separate her pages into different lists. Each strip of washi signifies a header to a new section. She's sure to get each box checked off this week with this functional and colorful organization! 

Morgan Stockton cut her rainbow stripes washi strip in half to stretch over four days on her spread Last Month of the Year. Washi is great for marking off an event lasting several days like Morgan did in this project!

Marie Lottermoser put several strips of washi to work on her spread Plans and Goals. By letting each washi strip run off the page, she created a dynamic look with tons of visual interest! 

On her spread December 2017Maggie Massey used her washi strips to embellish each week of the month! Each piece she chose has a motivational feel to help her end the year on a great note. 

Stephanie Howell got creative with stretching her kit supplies this month and used the negative space from the washi strips to create lists in her project, December Weekly Spread. This technique gives just the right amount of color and pattern while still being a fully functional organization tool for her planner. 

Guest designer Haley Pettit used washi strips in several ways on her planner spread, Northern Lights Holiday Planner. Not only did she create areas for a checklist and to-do list, but she also added dimension to her design by layering washi strips in decorative clusters on her page. 

Carla De Taboada created balance on her spread, Planning for Christmas, by mirroring washi strips in both the upper left-hand and lower right-hand corners of her pages. She also highlighted an important day by circling the word "today" on the "yesterday today tomorrow" washi strip! 

There's so much you can do with the washi strips in the "Northern Lights" Planner Kit. What do you plan on doing with yours? Post your creations in the gallery and add a link in the comments. We can't wait to see what you'll make!

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Northern Lights Planner Kit
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Originally $24.99, on sale for $12.49

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