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$10 off Summer Of Sketches w/code SUMMER2024

"Special Delivery" from Lisa Spangler

Hey, hey! I hope you're having a great day so far! I'm here with a fun envelope folded card - it's a card and envelope all in one! I'll be using the 4x6 Postage stamp set by One Little bird, real postage stamps, washi tape, markers and more. My grandpa got me into saving postage stamps years ago, and I have a whole stash of them. I love using them on projects like this!

I'm working on off-white recycled cardstock - I love how it has little flecks of papers in it, and I think it really goes with the upcycled postage stamps. I started off by trimming a piece to 9 3/4" x 4 7/8". Then I scored the paper at 3.5" and again at 7". This gave me a tri-fold card with one part being the same size as a standard 4 bar notecard and then a piece that will become the flap of the envelope. 

I used a scoreboard to do my scoring, but if you don't have one you can use a ruler and a bone folder. Scoreboards are really handy to have in your toolbox if you make a lot of cards. 

Next, shave a little bit off the non-flap side of the scored piece to help it sit flat after you fold it. Then trim the flap part of the card. I just used a ruler and a craft knife to cut off a skinny triangle. Here's a little trick for you: take that triangle trimmed off one side, flip it over and use it as a template to trim the other side. Woo hoo, easy matching sides. :) 

Now to decorate the front of the card/envelope - should we call it a "cardelope?" Ha! I started by stamping the address label on hot pink copy paper, and then used a gluestick to adhere it in place. I like to use a gluestick for things that will go on the outside of envelopes since you can really burnish the paper on there so that it won't come undone during mailing. The copy paper also makes it thinner so it's less likely to get snagged on something while mailing as well. 

Now for the inside! I stamped the top with a postage stamp image from the set, and then used Zig Clean Color real brush makers to color it. I just did some simple watercoloring and then went over it with a water brush to blend it. One little trick to add dimension is to add a shadow along one side with a light blue marker. 

I did some more stamping near the bottom of the card and colored it in the same way. 

To finish up your card, just fold the flap over and then add some washi tape to secure it in place. As you can see in the photo above, I did some simple stamping on the tape. Make sure you use a permanent black ink for this so that it doesn't smear. 

Thanks so much for joining me today, and I hope you try making a "cardelope" of your own soon! 


Supplies: Stamps - 4x6 Postage by One Little Bird; Ink - permanent black ink (Ranger archival); Other - recycled cardstock, postage stamps, washi tape, markers (Zig Clean Color Real Brush Pens), water brush, scoreboard

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  1. Kristi_ says…

    So unique! I know several recipients who will truly appreciate that. Thanks for the great inspiration.

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  2. WendyK43 says…

    I love this idea too. It's a great replacement to stationary to send a letter in it. Thanks for the idea.

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