Video | Creating Watercolor Backgrounds with Lisa Spangler

Hey, all! True confession time: I used to dread making solid colored watercolor backgrounds. It seemed like, no matter what I tried, I'd just end up making a mess of it. Not anymore! Today I'm sharing my tips and tricks for getting a no-fail background without paper warping to boot. Yay!

So easy, am I right? Here are those tips and tricks again:

  • Use a BIG brush! My fave is a super inexpensive 30 round.
  • Pre-mix your color on a palette, making sure that you have enough to cover your whole background. You can always mix extra and use it for another project. 
  • Trim watercolor paper, make your card, and score it, but don't fold it until later. 
  • Artist tape is awesome stuff! Use it to tape your card to a surface such as a cutting mat. Mine came free with my mixer :) 
  • Load your brush with as much pigment as possible, then paint away! 
  • After your background is completely dry, peel off the tape by pulling it away from your card.

Thanks so much for joining me, and I hope you'll give these techniques a try!

Have a WHEELIE great day! xo

Supplies: Stamp Set - 4x6 Bicycle Stamp by Jasmine Jones ; Ink - Onyx Black Versafine Ink Pad ; Other - watercolors and watercolor paper

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Stamp Set : 4x6 Bicycle by Jasmine Jones
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  1. jeanneannmoore says…

    Thanks for sharing. I need to make a card soon and hope to use some of your ideas.

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  2. Kristi_ says…

    This is great! Thanks. Your card making inspiration is always appreciated. I love this one, and plan to lift it soon. But first, more practice!

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  3. gabber says…

    i love your videos- this is such a pretty card! i love how smooth your wash is- mine always look streaky or get pools of darker spots-can't wait to try a big brush :)

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