LOTW | Tiffany

Our Layout of the Week, Love You, comes from our member Tiffany (username greyhouselane). Tiffany's gorgeous scrapbook layout captured the attention of the Studio Calico community with its elements from the Brimfield Scrapbook kit. To keep up with Tiffany, and see more of her work, be sure to follow her on on Instagram here!

I love this map paper in September's main kit, Brimfield. I love that the floral design is on a grid. I wanted to mix it up a bit so I added triangles of solid and striped paper following the lines of the grid and adding a bit of variation and interest. I adore this photo of my two-year-old because it captures her personality perfectly and I chose it for this layout because the colors in the photo complement the colors of the paper so well. Then I added a stamp from a past kit, some journaling and some Amy Tangerine letters to tie everything together. :)


We have a new set of winners - CONGRATS! If your name is on this list, you'll be getting an email from us with information about your prize. Thank you again to all who take part in our challenges and giveaways!

9.13 sketch | art944

9.14 challenge | pinksoup

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  1. pinksoup says…

    Love that contrasting stripe with the floral map. This was my favorite PP in the kit and I love how you used it.

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  2. art944 says…

    Fun loving LO, the flower map pp is also my favorite!

    Thanks for the prize! Wish I could get it before reveal!

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