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$10 off Summer Of Sketches w/code SUMMER2024

Member Spotlight | Cari Orellana

This July, get to know Cari Orellana (@cariilup). Cari has been dabbling in scrapbooking since she was 16, but really started doing it consistently after subscribing in 2014. She is a proud feline-lover, and dedicates her pages to her rescue kitties, her architect husband, and special memories she knows she'll want to revisit down the road. Her pages are full of personality, bright color combinations, and, of course, cats! We hope you enjoy getting to know Cari a little better as much as we do!

Hello everyone, I'm Cari! It's always so hard to introduce myself so this time I'm going to tell you something you may not know about me. I'm married to an architect, we met at university because I studied architecture for one year, but I didn't finish it. Instead, I changed to translation school and now I have a degree on English-Spanish translation + Spanish teaching to foreigners.

I'm obsessed with my two rescued boys cats. Lukas was found by my best friend on the street, he got inside engine of a car and my friend waited for two hours to the car's owner to arrive so she could take him out of the engine. The next day I went to her home for him, it was love at first sight. I found Tomas Amador on the street, that day I wanted really badly to eat french toasts and I went to the market to buy what I need, I saw him playing alone in the street and I brought him home. I think it was fate for my to find him.

I made my first scrapbook album when I was 16. It included some photoshoped photos of me and Orlando Bloom (insert crazy laughs here) and my friends at school. I destroyed it because I thought It was too ugly and now I really regret that. I restarted scrapbooking in 2011, but I really got into this world once I got my first subscription on January 2014 because the February subscribers special was a cat themed mini kit.

I create my scrapbooks because I believe that memories deserved to be saved, regular things from today may be totally different in 10 years and when that happens I don't want to regret I didn't give my memories the right place.

How long have you been a member here at Studio Calico? I'm not very sure but must be sometime between 2011 and 2012.

All time favorite past kit or collection: It's hard to choose because I basically love everything from SC but I can't stop using Brighton Pier. I remember when I first saw that collection and thought, "That collection is totally me." My favorite Kits have been Sugar Rush, Sandlot, and Cirque. Right now I'm in love with Baxter - you can imagine why. For me, the brighter the better, so any collection/kit full of color gets my heart really quick.

What do you do when your kits come? I open them! I live in an apartment, and the porter calls me as fast as he gets the box. I start opening them in the elevator, and I use them as far as I can do it, hopefully that very same night.

What's your go to technique? I always start with a white background. I'm trying to use more patterned backgrounds just to challenge myself, and I'm having a hard time doing it. Right now I value more all those girls who use lots of patterns. I also love layers and grid designs, but nothing is really done until I sew some details with my sewing machine and add some ink splatters.

Share your top 5 products:

1.- Studio Calico Kits: I try not to buy anything else, so I don't hoard supplies. My kits give enough supplies to work with for a month, plus they are always so pretty.

2.- Black Ink: As I said before, nothing is done until you splatter some ink! My favorite is black; no matter what colors you use in your project, black will match just perfectly. I have to say that lately I'm loving copper ink too.

3.- Binder Rings: I love making mini albums. I love mini albums of any kind, but my favorite technique is to use a binder ring. It's fast and easy and you can add and add more pages if you need to.

4.- Hearts and Stars: Of any kind, I think they are the perfect embellishment. Whenever I think something is missing on my project, a heart or a star solves the problem!

5.- Labels: For me, labels have the same function of hearts and stars. If something feels a little empty, a label will give it the finishing touch.

Where do you go when your mojo is low? I try just to take a break. If I force myself to do something, I'm not going to like the result. While in that break I like to check the Creative Team and Member Gallery. There are so many talented people here, and I'm always impressed with the amazing ideas I can find here. Also Pinterest is an incredible source of inspiration. If none of that works, I get new supplies (not so recommended!) to see if that can bring me new ideas. If I'm completely honest the last one ALWAYS works haha!

Thank you for letting us spotlight you, Cari! We loved getting to know more about you! If you'd like to see more of Cari's work, be sure to follow her here at SC and on her Instagram!

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  1. HelloTodayCreate says…

    Yay @Cari love your work, great to see you here on the blog xx

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  2. Brandeye8 says…

    Wahoo! Love @cariilup and all her beautiful work! It's always fun to get to know more about the person behind the layouts.

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  3. Neela says…

    Congratulations @cariilup! Love your bright projects.

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  4. confettiheart says…

    Hello @cariilup, nice to meet you :-) I've been a longt ime follower of yours on SC so it's great to learn more about you.

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  5. elisebydesign says…

    Yay @cariilup! Great getting to know more about you and I can't wait to see what new projects you share! xo

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  6. SteffiandAnni says…

    Wohoo @cariilup !! Love your projects and your style. It´s great to see you here :-)

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  7. clooneychick says…

    What a thrill to learn more about one of my favorite scrapbook artists! Your work is so fun and refreshing, not to mention innovative! If you have the time or inclination, I would love to see you become part of the DT at Studio Calico. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work with us.Te deseo lo major!!!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  8. EyoungLee says…

    Every your page is so lovely!! lovelovelove them all!!!:)I'm so happy to see you here!!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  9. Carson says…

    Congratulations Cari! I love your work! The colors you choose and the interesting way you incorporate your photos is always so inspiring. You go girl!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  10. jenjeb says…

    Congrats Cari! Love all your work and getting to know you!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  11. amyscalze says…

    Congrats for being featured here @cariilup! It's fun to get to know you more and I love your creations!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  12. cariilup says…

    Thank you everyone!! Your comments always makes me feel so happy!
    @clooneychick I would love to! Is my dream to be part of the creative team here!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  13. jamiewaters says…

    Fun! I loved reading this!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  14. milca says…

    Aunque yo no soy fanática de los gatos, amo cada trabajo tuyo, aún cuando esta lleno de ellos. Eres muy talentosa, éxito en todo!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  15. lorebarsby says…

    cari que rico conocerte más y como siempre te he dicho tus trabajos son hermosos, he aprendido mucho de ti, me encanta todo lo que haces, cariños

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