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LOTW | Nirupama

Our Layout of the Week, HP Story, comes from our member Nirupama (username nirupama01). Nirupama's beautiful layout caught everyone's eye in the member gallery with its lovely text, beautiful photo and fun use of bold letters from the Cirque Scrapbook kit. To keep up with Nirupama and see more of her work, be sure to follow her here at SC!

I love color in my scrapbook pages and I have really been getting into the pink and black color combination. I love the bold contrast that black elements add to a page. The big black letters from the Cirque kit were so inspiring and the jumping off point for this layout. I had a story to tell about our family's new found love of Harry Potter, which the kit's JK Rowling quote fit perfectly. (We were too old for it when it came out but love experiencing the magic with our kids now!) Typed journaling was just easier so I started off with a very clear, linear design. I paired the black and white with little touches of pink and then decided I had to add something bold and outside of the lines. The puffy gold stickers from the High Wire add-on were just the perfect finishing touch.

Thank you so much to Studio Calico for featuring me again! It is always such an honor and a pleasure.

Congratulations Nirupama! More members added this project to their inspiration books for the week of 2.17 - 2.23 than any other, making it our layout of the week! You have won a $10 gift card to be used on any new purchase at Studio Calico.

Want a chance to win next week? We love our creative community, and invite you to be a part of it. Share your work in the Studio Calico member gallery, and don't forget to take the time to add your favorites to your own inspiration book.


We have a new set of winners - CONGRATS!! If your name is on this list, you'll be getting an email from us with info about your prize. Thank you again to all who take part in our challenges and giveaways!

2.15 sketch | laa3902

2.16 challenge | Auburn

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  1. pinksoup says…

    This is a nice way to document HP. I'm holding off because I find it difficult to choose a perspective from which to tell it. I had 4 kids grow up with it and I myself love it. And I have no photos of them reading it from over 10 years ago. Maybe when we visit the theme park in Orlando I can make an album to include all the stories.

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  2. KimberlyMarie says…

    Sweet story and I love that you are discovering it all over again :)

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  3. dptuffy says…

    Such a lovely LO! @nirupama01

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