Workspace Wednesday | Carissa Wiley

Hi everyone! Carissa here! I’m so happy to be sharing one of my favorite places in the whole wide world today, and that place is my craft room! I’m so blessed to have a room that’s all mine. It started as an office, and as my love for paper crafting grew, it has been taking over by all things crafty {except for the closet, which houses the all-important printer and bill paying necessities}.

Organization is very important to me in my workspace. And I know you’re thinking I cleaned for the occasion, but actually, I didn’t. On any given day, you can walk in to my craft room and find it neat and tidy. It’s something that I find very inspiring. It’s like walking in to a clean slate each time I work. I make it a point to clean up when my day in this room is complete, because I know that I’ll feel much more inspired and motivated returning to a tidy workspace, than a chaotic jumble.

I’m a card maker first and foremost. So the items I tend to acquire or smaller in scale than the average scrapbooker.

My patterned papers are stored near my end of my worktable. I store them in clear bins. I don’t necessarily sort them by manufacturer, because I tend to peruse through them until I find what I’m looking for. This forces me to stay in touch with what I have.

Stamps are my favorite part of my monthly card kit. It’s the one thing that I know will never run out. I can use it over and over again to create card after card. My stamps are housed in baskets, which sit in a Benno DVD tower by Ikea. I’ve lined four of them up to create my very own unit for storing stamps, embellishments, dies and washi tape.

I store the stamps in clear pockets. I like that I can instantly see the stamps in the set. I use my P-touch labeler to create labels that show manufacturer name and name of the stamp set. I also like to keep the coordinating die sets stored with the stamp sets. Most of my stamps are stored in categories, rather than by manufacturer {backgrounds, images, sentiments}. However, because I have a large number of Studio Calico stamps, they get their very own basket.

Because aesthetics are important to me {just as much as function}, I arrange most of my items that are visible in rainbow order. It just makes a fun and pleasing environment for me to work in. And it makes the space cohesive…because everywhere you look there is a rainbow of supplies begging to be used.

I like my desk relatively clutter free. I keep a small crystal jar with my essentials on my desk, along with this magnetic frame. I use the magnetic frame as a landing place for small dies while I’m working. {I have been known to throw away dies during clean up of the craftermath}. This has worked well. I can also place clear stamps on the frame until I am ready to clean them. There’s no telling how much money in replacement stamps and frames that this frame has saved me.

I like to keep my supplies visible. I feel like I am more likely to use them if I can see them, rather than stuffing them away in a drawer. I’ve found a couple of solutions for my smallest of embellishments. I use a mixture of jars for buttons, clips and wood veneer. For other small embellishments, like sequins and random items I get in my kits, I use bead bags and clip them to these white frames on the wall. The sequins, of course, are in rainbow order too!

It’s been a pleasure showing you around my room today! My room is perfect for me! And I hope that wherever you work, you think it’s perfect too!

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  1. AmyFromMN says…

    Your space is beautiful, and I love all the detail you added to the post. Thanks so much for sharing!! <3

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  2. AnnaSigga says…

    Your space is gorgeous!!!!!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  3. Amante_del_Papel says…

    I hope one day have a one like this!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  4. GinaPonce says…

    so awesome!! thanks for sharing :)

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  5. maggie_massey says…

    Oh my gosh, Carissa!!! What a beautiful beautiful space!!!! love it...

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  6. ThatGirlTCB says…

    so beautiful! I'm looking carefully as I want to borrow some of these storage ideas!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  7. lbscrapgirl says…

    Nice space, great organization, too.

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  8. FYoung says…

    Love it! Finally someone who keeps their craft room clean and organized like I do! Thanks for sharing, it's a beautiful room!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  9. nicolereaves says…

    What a gorgeous space Carissa! Can't stop looking at your photos :)

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  10. mem186 says…

    Your space is so awesome and lovely, thanks for sharing!!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  11. Workman_Scraps says…

    Fabulous space! Love your set-up and how you can see what you have! Thank you for sharing.

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  12. Sparkliie says…

    Your craft room is immaculate! I dream of having a room like this!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  13. Jacki says…

    How lovely! The rainbow of colors, the white baskets, the glass top work table....lucky girl!!!!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  14. welobellie says…

    Gorgeous! I love the magnetic frame idea!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  15. justlisa7 says…

    So pretty, clean and organized and the light is awesome!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  16. colleenk says…

    It is beautiful! May I ask where you got the baskets that you store your stamps in? They are perfect!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  17. mommamoonrn says…

    love your room! I just repainted mine last month and painted it the same color! I am so enjoying the finished look!

    I am also liking the way you store your 6x6 pads. I have so many of them and it is hard to flip through them the way they are stored. I do have one of those refrigerator bins and I so love the idea of storing that away. Looks like such easy access.

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  18. CeliseMcL says…

    Your workspace is very inspiring as is your commitment to keep it organized.

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  19. avec_la_fleur says…

    Ahhhh your room is so pretty!! I love how tidy and organized it is! And that magnetic frame is completely brilliant.

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  20. rdowd111_yahoo_com says…

    Your room is beautiful. Who makes/where could I find the clear bins you use for patterned paper storage?

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  21. Nola25 says…

    Hi! I'm wondering where you purchased the white baskets that the stamps are in? Love the space , thanks!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  22. chrissy12 says…

    Where did you purchase the plastic bin you hold the 12 x12 paper in?

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  23. LesleyW says…

    What beautiful space, I too am a clean and tidy creative person, and love my clean white Ikea furniture, thanks for sharing, I know I another one who might steal your magnetic frame idea, thank you so much for sharing.

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  24. KatrinaD says…

    That's a beautiful space. I am also curious about the white baskets that sit on the Benno shelf. Where did you purchase them? Thanks

    0 Reply 0 Replies

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