$10 off Summer Of Sketches w/code SUMMER2024
$10 off Summer Of Sketches w/code SUMMER2024

day by day | Nicole Harper

If you're anything at all like me, you have bits & pieces in your stash that you can't bear to part with. Rather than let them accumulate in a pile on your desk, grab them when you get a few free minutes here and there and make up some Project Life-style cards!! Even if Project Life isn't on your agenda, these still look awesome on layouts...I've loved seeing 3x4 and 4x6 cards in our gallery.

Here are 2 3x4 cards that are from my Front Row gallery...super simple, but fun right?! I just added some of the printable labels to the left card, and layered a printable card I trimmed down on top of one of the kit cards on the right.

These next cards were made with leftovers from my CHA projects for the SC booth...mixing pieces of all 2 of the new releases.

I kept the themes generic, so I could use them as filler cards whenever I had a blank spot. The San Francisco paper from Here & There was a no-brainer...cut out a row of houses, add a few clouds and a geotag and you have a fun card to talk about something happening in your town. The 'fact' card just uses an open triangle stamp that I paired with different colors of Zing embossing powder. I cut the middle out of each one and backed the entire card with the B side of the Portland paper.

These next two gave me an opportunity to just play with paper...which is always a good thing. ;)

The hand drawn words on the grey 'Love Wins' paper in the Sundrifter line are lovely...but when you twist off the tops of a few Mister Hueys and grab a paintbrush, that paper becomes even more happy. Go outside the lines! Choose words that stand out to you! Add a few chipboard arrows and call it a day!

The word bubble mask from Snippets is hands DOWN my favorite mask ever. Sometimes masks are a bit intimidating to me, but this one is perfect...used as the base for a larger page or as I did here on a 4x6 card, you have the option to use as many shapes as you'd like. I just grabbed my black pen and outlined a few bubbles,  then filled them in with embellishments I had laying on my desk. Drew a few lines to journal on when the mood strikes and I'm all set!

Check out the member gallery for LOTS of ideas on how to add cards like these to your projects...and use those scraps you've been saving in the meantime! :)

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