Scraplift This

Ever see a design you love so much you just want to scraplift the entire page? Our Creative Team members make projects bursting with inspiration month after month. In the Scraplift This blog post, we'll highlight some of these scraplift-worthy pages and provide tips and tricks for applying their techniques to your next project!

This month's Scraplift This page comes from CT member, Lisa Varshine. Her Splash notebook spread features a fun vertical title and vellum stars for a big impact! 

Here's what Lisa had to say about her project:

In these pages, I used the Tucker Alpha to add big impact to my TN spread. I particularly loved the patterns in this month's Holland Park TN notebook and thought the gold was perfect for these pictures. And the vellum stars! I love telling the story of a bath that left everyone soaked.

Tips for Scraplifting this design:

  • Go bold with a large vertical title. 
  • Don't be afraid to use rich colors. 
  • Stack multiple photos to get more memories into your notebook spread. 
  • Layer vellum shapes for a fun touch.
  • Incorporate the date into your design.

Now it's your turn! Use this project as the inspiration for your next page and don't forget to share what you create. Link your Scraplift This project in the comments below. We can't wait to see what you'll make!

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