$10 off Summer Of Sketches w/code SUMMER2024
$10 off Summer Of Sketches w/code SUMMER2024

Using the Expedition Stamp Subscription Set with Marie Lottermoser

Hey, everyone! I was so excited to see the "Expedition" Stamp Subscription this month! The outdoor theme works perfectly for our family adventures. One thing about living in the Pacific Northwest is that we have an abundance of hiking trails and outdoor activities. Pairing this stamp set with my Traveler’s Notebook seemed like a great way to document them.

I’ve always loved the look of camp badges (I was a girl scout after all) and this stamp set allows you to make your own. I started by using a plain sheet of white cardstock and stamped several badge outlines on it. Then I mixed the different phrases, lines, and icons to create my own set of badges. Finally, I cut out the badges using the outlines as a guide. Making my badges on a separate piece of paper allowed me to play around with my photos and spacing to place things exactly where I wanted them. 

I hope you get a chance to play with this stamp set! It’s so versatile and has endless possibilities for making your own designs. I’m looking forward to documenting my summer adventures with this stamp set and will be reaching for it again and again!

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