Journaling Prompts | Expedition

Journaling is a great way to capture the details that make up your everyday life. Whether you're telling in-depth stories or simply captioning a photo, your words are important to preserving your memories for years to come. The following journaling prompts are perfect for pairing with this month's "Expedition" Kit, or just tuck them into your back pocket for a time when your creative mojo is low. Either way, we hope they’ll help inspire your next project!

Caption a photo. 

Candace Perkins used the Born to Wander stamp subscription set to create unique captions for three of her photos on her spread, Let's Wander! Each short phrase perfectly captures the stories of her photos and we love her color choices.

Short captions with her photos were all Marie Lottermoser need to bring her Camping spread together beautifully. This technique proves lengthy journaling isn't always needed to tell your story!

Write your bucket list. 

On her spread, Expedition Kits Camping Album - Park 2Pam Baldwin included a camping bucket list featuring things such as see the stars, campfire every night, and go for a hike. What a great way to remember your favorites from a family camping trip!

Candace Perkins wrote out her family's bucket list of theme park rides for her album Summer Fun at Disneyland. We're sure she'll love to look back on this for years to come! 

Let's Be Explorers. 

The "Let's Be Explorers" journaling card from the "Expedition" Documenter Kit is the perfect prompt for any adventure. On her project, Find Me in the TreesCandace Perkins used it to share the details of her family's trip to Arizona!

Jessica Upton used the "Let's Be Explorers" journaling card to tell the story on her spread, Death Valley. We love the look she created with her typewriter! 

Use one word as a jumping-off point. 

On her spread, Expedition Documenter Main Only | Evergreen 2017Barbara Picinich used the word "awesome" to create a list of all the awesome moments from her getaway. Using a list is a great way to record lots of moments quickly and easily. 

Pam Baldwin started her journaling with one single word—"bears." Using one word as her jumping-off point allowed her to tell an in-depth story on her project, Expedition Kits Camping Album - Part 1.

Let a stamp prompt your journaling. 

Lisa Truesdell used the stamps from the July Monthly Series stamp set guide her journaling on her spread, July 2017. With phrases such as "Independence Day," "fun in the sun," and "destination," she had plenty of inspiration to tell her July stories!

On her spread, July 2017Kelly Noel also used the July Monthly Series stamp set to customize her journaling card in the upper left-hand corner. Using the phrases "fun in the sun," "vacation bound," and "pool day," she expanded on each topic to document her summer adventures. 

There's so much you can say with the "Expedition" Kits and June add-ons. Which journaling prompt do you plan on trying out this month? Post your creations in the gallery and add a link in the comments. We can't wait to see what you'll make!

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