LOTW | Melissa

Our Layout of the Week, Traveler's Notebook, comes from our member Melissa (username mamaorrelli). Melissa's gorgeous layout stood out in the gallery with its monochrome design and fun stamping! To keep up with Melissa and see more of her work, be sure to follow her here at SC

Here's what Melissa has to say about her project:

I finally found my groove in paper crafting when I started creating in a Traveler's Notebook in late 2016, and I have been hooked ever since. The small format has proven to be the perfect fit for me. I aim for progress and not perfection, and prefer a minimalist look when creating in my notebook. My goal is to make sure I'm telling our everyday stories, because I don't want to forget one single detail.  My favorite supplies to use are stamps and documenter cards that I print at home, and some of my favorites are found right here at Studio Calico. My favorite color combo has always been black and white with occasional splashes of color thrown in. Happy creating, friends.

Congratulations, Melissa! More members added this project to their inspiration books for the week of 3.14 - 3.20 than any other, making it our Layout of the Week! You have won a $10 gift card to be used on any new purchase at Studio Calico. Want a chance to win next week? We love our creative community, and invite you to be a part of it. Share your work in the Studio Calico member gallery, and don't forget to take the time to add your favorites to your own inspiration book.


We have a new challenge winner—CONGRATS!! If your name is on this list, you'll be getting an email from us with info about your prize. Thank you again to all who take part in our challenges and giveaways!        

3.12 sketch winner - SarahSC

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  1. Joelaw says…

    Where do you get your stamps @mamaorrelli? I particularly like the raining cats and dogs and the tv show journal box. Thanks!

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    1. mamaorrelli says…

      Hi! @joelaw, the TV Journal Box is a journal card from the Arendal TV and Movie Journal cards. You can find them in the digital section here at Studio Calico. The weather stamp is from Kelly Purkey.

  2. Joelaw says…

    Wow! Thanks! I guess I missed that Kelly Purkey stamp - I don't ever remember seeing it! Do you know the name of the set!?

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