$10 off Summer Of Sketches w/code SUMMER2024
$10 off Summer Of Sketches w/code SUMMER2024


The New Year will be here before we know it, and with the excitement of a fresh start comes the call for innovation! We’re excited to share some really cool changes revolving around our monthly kits “sneak peek,” affectionately referred to as “Sneaks” around here. Here's what you can expect going forward, along with exciting exclusive news for our subscribers!

Exclusive to our Subscribers

Starting this month, there will be an awesome new addition to your dashboards: a Purchase Planner. This will be a download subscribers can access showing a sneak image of the kit, name, and price for every kit and add-on. We’ve heard your feedback and believe this will be the answer so that you can easily plan out purchases for Reveal on the 27th. Subscribers will get an email notification when this Planner is up and ready (between the 22nd - 25th of each month), and we'll also post a reminder to the Message Boards when it’s available. Subscribers, are you excited? We are!

Sneaks - What You Need to Know

We want to start this new year by being even more innovative and creative. We also want you to have the ability to better plan your shopping list before Reveal. With Sneaks on the 14th and Reveal on the 27th, we want to make the excitement last longer and have more of a chance to interact with our customers. We've also had so much fun on Instagram organizing giveaways and interacting with customers, and we wanted to extend that to our Sneaks. This offers up to you the chance to play along from day-to-day to see even more of the add-ons than you usually are shown every month.

For Sneaks on, we'll be showing a fun, styled desktop image of kits and add-ons at midnight of the 14th of each month. These images show how the kits will look in action and how you can plan to use your existing supplies like paint or ink with the new products. Then from Sneak Night until the full Reveal on the 27th, we'll be posting even more(!) Sneaks detail photos on our Instagram feed (If you don’t already, follow us here: @Studio_Calico).

Here's how it will work: we'll post sneak detail images showing pieces of one of the kits or add-ons. To get the whole picture, we're hoping you'll join in the fun with us by liking the photos - when we get to 500+ likes (the # of likes will increase with each share), we'll share another detail shot, and so on until you've got a really great sneak of the particular kit or add-on we’re sneaking that day!

Not to worry if you miss out on any of the action on Instagram that day: the detail images shared will each have a banner showing the name of the kit or add-on so that you can make plans about which ones you think you'll want to buy during Reveal. If you’re a Subscriber, your handy Purchase Planner will have one of the final Sneak images for you, but we know you’ll probably want to play along in real-time with us!

Why Instagram?

Because it's a simple, user-friendly platform that's fun to use. It's easy to keep everything together, and it's easy to see multiple photos on your screen at once. Don’t forget, at the bottom of our Sneaks page here, there's a live feed of sneaks images posted to Instagram. Any photo you click on that feed will open up to show the full image and caption. That means you can still keep up with Sneaks, even if you don't have an Instagram account! Since it's a live feed, it's continually updating, so no one will be left out.


How can I plan out my purchases?

- With the Purchase Planner (exclusive to Subscribers!) available for download between then 22nd and 25th of each month. You’ll have a sneak image, name, and price all in one place. We’ll notify subscribers via email and the message board of when it’s available each month. Not a subscriber? Join now!

When will I see the add-on names?

- On Instagram with each photo posted.

How many add-ons are there?

- There are the same number of add-ons as usual.

I don't use Instagram. Where else can I see the photos?

- The photos will also appear on the bottom of the Sneaks page. You can click on photos to see the captions and learn the kit add-on names, etc. All photos are in chronological order.

What about the other items shown in the Sneaks?

- Many of those items are for staging (scissors, ink pads). We wanted to show the kits in action, so to speak - to show what they'd look like on your craft tables and used with your favorite supplies. So, no, you won't get gold scissors, but other items from add-ons will be consistent with what we've done in the past. And, you'll still be able to see full kit contents on Reveal on the 27th of the month.

We want you to know we're listening. Your feedback is so important. We're continually looking to it as we grow and continue to strive to improve. We’re really excited about this new interactive Sneaks format. It's going to be such a fun year and we’re so grateful for your continued support!

Questions? Comments? Please let us know and we'll answer them!

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  1. katevdp says…

    Will the price of each add-on kits be available for non-subscribers before reveal also, or only kept in the "subscriber only" planner?

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  2. welobellie says…

    LOVING!! Especially the planner!

    4 Reply 0 Replies
  3. MichelleWedertz says…

    I knew the changes meant something even better was coming :). Looking forward to the new year!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  4. SaraV says…

    Hey there @katevdp! Yep, we'll release the prices in the subscriber exclusive Purchase Planner before Reveal too :)

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  5. ATXmom says…

    Thank you for the detailed explanation. The Purchase Planner will come in handy for sure!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  6. supertoni says…

    Very excited about the Purchase Planner. Something tells me @marcypenner might have helped with that. :-)

    2 Reply 0 Replies
  7. nailgirl says…

    this sounds great!! thank y'all so much for explaining everything in detail so we know exactly what's going on!!! it's much appreciated!!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  8. Joelaw says…

    I love it!!!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  9. jenniferd says…

    Thank you so much for this detailed and informative post! :)

    2 Reply 0 Replies
  10. YSandA says…

    Yes, thank you. Phew, I feel much better (less confused) now. I'm intrigued by the Planner.

    2 Reply 0 Replies
  11. JMValder says…

    Well done, Sara and SC!

    2 Reply 0 Replies
  12. alakard says…

    I love the revamp of the sneaks and appreciate that SC continues to look for ways to be innovative and not just settle for the status quo.

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  13. christinebk says…

    Thank you so much for this detailed post!!

    2 Reply 0 Replies
  14. stampincrafts says…

    I love this! Those images really do look like my craft desk! Very excited for more sneaks...

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  15. enbrightened says…

    Ok... phew!... YAY!!!!
    I wish this explanation had come out on the 14th either with or just ahead of the sneaks going live... because this actually alleviates my concerns. Thank you!

    7 Reply 0 Replies
  16. Msaula says…

    Sounds great....I like the idea of the subscriber purchase planner.

    2 Reply 0 Replies
  17. thenicethingsfairy says…

    Thanks for the clarification @SaraV. The planner sounds like a great addition to our subs. Im happy!

    2 Reply 0 Replies
  18. LauraEvangeline says…

    I knew you had a plan & it's wonderful!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  19. SewingBella says…

    Can't wait to see more sneaks! Is it possible to make it so that more of the Instagram #SCSNEAKS Creative Team feed images are available? Maybe include a page with a full set of images? I find that if I don't have a chance to check for a day or two, I miss so many! Since they aren't all on the Studio_Calico feed, it makes it hard to see all of them.

    4 Reply 0 Replies
  20. DinCA says…

    This sounds great! Looking forward to playing along!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  21. Mel1980 says…

    That's great! Can't wait! Happy subscriber here!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  22. ChristineCieri says…

    Love it!!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  23. SaraV says…

    @SewingBella, with 3 rows on the feed, there should be enough room to see all the new Sneaks photos at once before Reveal since they'll push the Park Ave Sneak photos down the list. Also, you can search the #scsneaks hashtag on Instagram to see all the images together on your computer, tablet, or phone :)

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  24. lory says…

    great post sara!

    0 Reply 0 Replies

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