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$10 off Summer Of Sketches w/code SUMMER2024

Workspace Wednesday | Nicole Harper

Disclaimer: There are many photos around the world of craft rooms featuring custom cabinetry, gorgeous lighting and well-thought-out decor...this is not one of those rooms. ;)

This room began as an extra bedroom that my husband and I shared as an on one half, him on the other. As time went on, he gave in and moved to another room in the house, lol. This room is right on our main floor, and over the years has kind of become where we all gather at one time or another. It is where I retreat to to work + play, it is where all of my albums are stored and it is where I've caught my daughter in here many times flipping through the pages and smiling. I'm only sharing my 'craft space' here...what you won't see is the Ikea Expedit 5x5 shelf filled with locker baskets & albums, the computer desk with my Silhouette Cameo perched atop my all-in-one $80 printer/scanner/copier or the pile of scrap products I have set aside for my travel later this year.


Exciting, yes? ;)

All furniture/shelving/carts are from Ikea. The 18x24" mat on my desk i  from Archiver's...a steal at $14 (with a coupon). I love that it has a grid on it so that I can line things up. Trusty Making Memories trimmer on the right hand side of the desk, and an Ikea Antonius cart (with 4 baskets in each) on either side of the desk. Let's zoom in...

The heart of my space...all of my most used tools out in the open and ready to be used. Carousel with metal ruler, spare photos I've printed, pencil cup with pens/scissors/tiny attacher/corner rounder. Sewing machine out in the open, plugged in and ready to use. Storage bins picked up for a steal at the Pottery Barn outlet a few years back...each drawer with a specific item. Zooming in further...

Little yellow ramekin (picked up for $2 at World Market a few months ago) to hold the little tidbits from whichever kit I'm working on at the time. Glass jar of favorite veneer. Most used spray mists + embossing powders right in front of me. Brilliance metallic inks + VersaFine Black Onyx + VersaMark ink to the right of the pencil cup. Next, proof of practicing what I preach ;)

This is my bucket of enamel dots + favorite roller stamps + my entire washi collection.  You read that ENTIRE washi tape collection.

Whenever members on the message board ask about how not to be overwhelmed by all of the product they have, I always tell them: 'you have to learn to be extremely picky about what you keep in your stash, otherwise you get overwhelmed'. So I have trained myself to be brutally honest when deciding what to keep...this little drawer of washi tape is my proof. When it gets full and I can't fit a new one in, something has to go. The exception here would be product that I keep separate for DT work...those are kept with the lines they are part of.

This container makes me happy :) Most of these were found at a local bead shop and are vintage... I love them. Couldn't resist throwing my fave acrylic alphabets in the box as well.

Above my desk is kind of a catch-all shelf. An old pin cushion filled with stick pins, jars of old buttons, business cards, receipts, and my personal favorite: the old vase holding as many tubes of my favorite ChapStick that I could find (since it is seasonal...peppermint) + a few old glass Christmas ornaments. Random, but hey...that's me. ;)

On the left side of the shelf, old floral frogs hold favorite photos...punched confetti in an old tin kept handy...and a foam brain that a friend picked up for me at a medical conference. More randomness :)

These are the top 2 drawers in the cart to the right of my desk. Top one holds Prima chalk inks, all my adhesives and bobbins of thread for my sewing machine. Again, I pared my thread stash waaaaaaaaaaaay down...keeping only the 6-7 colors I use the most. The second drawer is full of my favorite punches, and hanging off the edge (you can't see it in the pic) is my heat gun...plugged in and ready to use. I can't stress this enough...the sewing machine, the heat gun, the are 10x more likely to use them if they are ready to go!!

This is the cart to the left of my desk...same as the one on the right, different contents. Plus, I store my picked-it-up-for-$5-at-an-auction typewriter in front of this cart. (love the original box it came in!)

Vellum, glitter cardstock and extra bits go in the chevron box on the top.

The potholders + doilies + old notes are things I found last year while cleaning out my grandparents house...not sure what I'll do with them yet, but check out my handwriting on the top note, lol!

The top drawer holds all my $1 or less acrylic paint (I edge every single photo I use with one of these) + full sized ink pads + acrylic blocks + embossing powders.

Over the years, I've gathered lots of vintage trims & paper items...these are my favorites. I am a sucker for foil stars, as evidenced by the multiple packs seen in the center of this photo. :)

That's a quick tour of my work space. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have, and I will check back :)

Whatever your 'space' is...I can't stress enough that you make it work for you. 

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  1. tambee says…

    love your preface....thank you!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  2. b_manies says…

    I love to see less glamorous craft rooms! Mine is a spare room also, the girls have a huge playroom and they share a bedroom for sleeping and I get the extra bedroom - it's not decorated in a super fun way but its organized with all my supplies (for both sewing and paper crafts, two different tables). Thanks for sharing!!!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  3. christeltall says…

    Yay!!!! I am so glad you shared this! I asked about a year ago to see your space and you have finally done it! Awesome space :)

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  4. FYoung says…

    I just love your disclaimer and your scrap space! Thanks for sharing, oh and my husband gave in as well:)

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  5. TraciePond says…

    geez......look at all of those frogs. I would like to find just one. Thank you for sharing your space.

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  6. KimberDill says…

    My favorite space ever shared on this blog! I love that you have made it work for you and the tidbits of things you've saved -- it reminds me of my own philosophy and space. I need to thin out my stash some more, but I aspire to have a space as personal and functional (well-loved too) as yours!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  7. amyscalze says…

    Oh my goodness this is awesome!!!! Thank you super much for all the time you took with these photos and all you wrote!!!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  8. spagirl says…

    Very nice!!
    Where did you get your divided inserts for your carts?

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  9. Jennsdoodles says…

    Love your space but love all those precious photos of your daughter! TFS

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  10. paddler says…

    Nice! I was intrigued by your comment that you edge all your photos with acrylic paint - so I had to check that out in the gallery! :) No kidding. Neat. Have to try that. Thanks for sharing.

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  11. NicoleH says…

    Thanks everyone...I was nervous about this post, since my space isn't fancy lol!!
    Joanne, the inserts for the carts are from Ikea :)

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  12. FChopp says…

    Thanks for sharing. I love it. It is wonderful and uniquely you. :-)

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  13. Msaula says…

    Love your space Nicole! It reminds me a bit of mine with the flowere frogs, boxes and bins...and the randomness! I have a lot of that! Your space is evidence that a "fancy" craft space isn't required to create beautiful works of art!! And I love your preface also....too funny!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  14. neus says…

    I love your space. I like how you order the material scrap precious

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  15. scrappinjenoffive says…

    That's my girl, a space w heart for a girl with heart. The disclaimer and the room are perfection.

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  16. jujufletcher says…

    Thanks for sharing your space! I am very impressed that you have such self discipline with your washi collection. I love the randomness, particularly the old vase with the chapstick and vintage ornaments, so cute!

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  17. rajimta says…

    Thanks for the view of your workspace. "Fancy" isn't "real," I love seeing the different ways people organize the tools of our trade using average or repurposed furniture and containers. Your work area looks wonderful. I too am trying to limit the numbers of some items I own, such as punches. It was great to see what you are doing with that effort as well. I have to say, though, I have not yet gotten into sequins. Wow, cool.

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  18. tuffcookie says…

    love your big bowl of chapstick! hopefully they will come out with another holiday seasonal flavor this year, like gingerbread :)

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  19. jamierose5985 says…

    LOVE your space! It's like mine but only way more stocked with goodies, love it.

    0 Reply 0 Replies
  20. welobellie says…

    So fun! Thanks for sharing :)

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